I never suspected that this would ever be a problem for me. I have been graced with an ample booty and never suspected I would have to worry about a costume sliding down my delicious rebel hips. But heavily beaded stretch fabric defies the laws of physics and good sense.
It was May of 2010. I was hosting the grand opening of my studio. I was very excited. I purchased this gorgeous Barbie pink costume from a dear friend of mine, Denise, from her studio, Bedouin Beats. To this day this costume is still one of my favourites.
However, with getting ready for the studio, organizing the grand opening, etc, I didn't bother to test the costume out while dancing. What I didn't notice until later was that the eleastic the manufacturer had put in had popped. In my haste, I packed up my costume bag and headed to the studio for the grand opening.
I had decided to dance to a very fast Issam drum solo. I was tired from standing, but was up for the challenge. I was so proud of my accomplishment with the studio I entered the performance area "guns blazing" (no they really were, those jewels made my boobs sparkle like never before!).
As I began to dance, I quickly noticed a problem. A big problem. My skirt was very quickly sliding down my body. I thought I was being so suave (NOT) when I tried to hike it up mid shimmy. Well, what did I grab instead of the skirt? My bright blue thong and YANKED it up. So my skirt was down low and my thong was up high. Mortifying! I think everyone had a good laugh about it and I kept on dancing, keeping my wayward skirt and booty in check. Thankfully the audience was full of friends and family. I can't imagine the first impression that would have made.
When I got home that night I looked at the skirt and realized my booty really had saved the day as the leastic on the one side had popped. Thankfully this experience taught me to always check my skirts. The next costumes I ordered from overseas didn't even have elastic sewn in at all!
Costume tip: When sewing elastic into a skirt, ue a minimum width of 1", preferrable 2" for extra strength.